
The First Year (interlude #7)

T'was precisely one rotten year ago that I started this voyage of punk illustrating the people I've met and our shared stories. All in all, this marks the end of Year One. However, it hasn't been a faultless year. Only two months after I began, I stopped for a period of half a year. What an idiot. Many shitty factors contributed to this, but non relevant. So, in reality, I only have six months worth of posts. Maybe I shouldn't be celebrating, then... What’s more relevant, the time or the effort? Neither. It’s the people I've met since this mind trip began. If no one was reading this crap, I’d probably still be crafting these travesties of remarkable people, but it’s so much better to have your fine company. Big thanks and a toast to you all.


  1. Congrats!
    I wouldn't worry about pausing, everyone does it at some point and as you said time isn't relevant.
    As long as you enjoy what you're doing and take a breather when you don't, it doesn't matter.

    Hope there's many more posts to come :)

  2. Happy birthday to this fantastic blog!

  3. Now you're entering the terrible twos. Haha.

  4. Laury - thanks. there are plenty of frustrating days, but its actually been a great experience.

    Melissa - thanks so much.

    Jorg - ha! does this mean i've got to stop sucking?

  5. Gratz there ;-) *clinks with a bottle of Bitburger*

  6. I toast to you with my cup of coffee... may things go better for you in the second year of your wonderful blog... the Doctor

  7. Last year at this time (due to my inability to handle things ) I checked into the "Looney Bin" for a week ... the day after I came home my beloved dog ("Uno") was killed...
    lately ..mostly Depression issues... You should see the stacks of books and papers that surround me at present ...many things to scan and post....
    and your thoughts on my "New Blog"....

  8. Kat - thanks and prost!

    Dr. Theda - thanks. keeping ourselves busy is always a good idea.

  9. happy birthday my friend! bud sucks... but: CHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEERS from germany! ;o)

  10. hahah! No! Bud is one of the best beer! Good choice!
    Happy (blog)birthday!
    You know, you have a special thing inside you, you really have talent and you know how to tell stories... and people likes it! It's difficult and you get it! So cheer! I wanna see a lot of drawings!

  11. Cheers. Well met, and continue to rock.

  12. Octapolis - thanks, man. i love Bud, but i also like Beck's. prost!

    Nuki - thanks so much for those words. i still have many stories to share and i'm really glad you like them.

    Eidolon - many thanks, dude.

  13. Congrats! You're still here so that's what counts man! Keep on keepin on!

  14. @nuki+gabriel: this is a religious question! you know, dresden is next to czech republic. try the original czech budweiser and you will see. this is magic (what nobody knows: god himself was a czech guy!)... ;o)

  15. Invite us, Mr. Octapolis!!! x)

  16. Jesse - thanks man.

    Octapolis + Nuki - unfortunately i've never had the pleasure of trying Czech beer. maybe one day we'll come visit...

  17. It's been a year already? Happy Blog Birthday, buddy. Keep on rocking!

  18. time flies. thanks.

  19. yeah, who will know, what will happen in life...
    ...may be one day we sit in prague: together, drunken, happy, old... haha...

  20. Mrs. Katie - thanks. i'll do my best to keep things going.

    Ocatopolis - haha that would be nice.

  21. Congrats! I've really enjoyed reading the stories you tell and illustrate so well. Keep sharing these shards of talent.

  22. Riotbreather09:26

    Wow! A great year of fantastic art and stories. Big cheers!

  23. Did you know that I STILL have not made it into your blogs archives yet? Time is a bitch. But I like riding the wave with the few Blogger friends that I have right now. Lets see what time brings. Only time will tell.

    *Raises Bloody Mary, salutes! *

  24. Riotbreather - its actually only been 2+4 months, but thank you.

    David - almost everyone i've met has been in the last 4 months. i think you only missed the first 2. check 'em out when you can, i know time's a bitch. nice drink and thanks.

  25. May this wonderful blog have many more birthdays! Salute!

  26. Thats wonderful to know... Great work and keep going...cheers :)

  27. thanks a lot, buddy.


Crack it up...