
The Brother

Back when leather jackets were cool and punk rockers weren't all pussies, Tommy and I used to drink the cheapest beer we could find, we'd talk about the cute girls we wanted to bang, and sometimes, in the blurry streets of our youth, we would sing our hearts out. Horrible songs... we sang them loud and proud!

Getting drunk with a friend... we've all done it. I know this is a useless boring post, but it's as true as any other damn piece I've ever written. We lose many friends along the way, but of all the people I fucked over or who did the same to me, Tommy is the one I miss the most. He was my brother.
I think today's his birthday...


  1. Makes me think of all the friends I've lost along my life. Not sure what you mean by boring. Personally I think it touches deep.
    The 'beer' is pretty funny!

  2. Sad :( Because I've also lost friends! But it's the life... people come and go out! But sometimes, some people stay with us! :D

  3. Nietzsche - the boring thing was just because it's a bit more personal than usual. i don't know... glad you liked the 'beer'

    Nuki - that's true. we should always value those who stay with us.

  4. short but good written... So we have to drink some beer with the friends we actually have and sing like young gods, hehe...
    cheers to you! ;o)

  5. So cheap beer tastes like the devil's piss? That actually explain a lot.

  6. So much truth in one post.

    I can definitely relate. Those days tend to be fun and so are the people. Now I miss them too. :\

  7. Octapolis - thanks my friend. 'sing like young gods' hell yeah!

    TRGB - hahaha! it does doesn't it?

    Chilla - it's sad when the party is over, but we must try to find new parties.

  8. Ah, you just reminded me of one of my best drinking buddies from back in the day. Last I heard from him he was homeless, sending me youtube videos from the public library every once in a while. I miss that crazy bastard.

    Cheers to the missing drunkards.

  9. sorry to hear about your friend's fate. at least he still sends you some signs of life.
    cheers to us all.

  10. I've lost friends, as well. This is a nice homage to those we leave behind.

  11. thanks. if we're being totally honest, we leave as much as we're left. just how it is.

  12. One more reason for me not to drink beer...
    And yes, we leave as much as we're left as we look and hopefully .end up with some people that will stick with you for a very long time.

  13. Lost a good friend of mine, too. She was chinese and moved back to her country :-(

    I love the beer-peeing devils here! :-D

  14. Laury - haha yeah, beer can be bad, especially the next day. those who stay are the ones we should value, but those lost can linger around in our memories.

    Kat - that's sad, but maybe you guys will meet up some day. the devils really give beer that extra flavor :)

  15. Bad Things afoot ...just found out that the Town ( where I have lived for almost 50 years is plotting to rid itself of me and my home....
    Among other FACTS that I learned tonight .not doing our Best .... Fasting right now.7 or 8 hours till I get to eat again ( Blood work in the Morning)

  16. sorry to hear, Doc. just keep those few loved ones close and fuck everyone else. keep strong. hope the results come out ok. will answer yr email asap.

  17. yeah, what made some people awesome in the past might be exactly what makes their company undesirable now. some people are just better as memories.

  18. Funnily enough yesterday I met a mate from 20 odd years ago, we have both got more grey hair and got fatter, but it seemed like we just gone out of the room for five minutes

  19. Riotbreather17:20

    So sad :( I don't know what I'd do if my best friend stopped talking to me. Maybe you guys will be friends again one day! ^.^

  20. Appy - that's awesome. its great when we reconnect.

    Riotbreather - i doubt it, but who knows

  21. I raise a toast to you on this doomsday eve! Now I have to do my X-Mas shopping, thanks a lot Mayans. :)

  22. those Mayans and their lousy math let me down, too. cheers, my friend!

  23. This post certainly is filled with truth.
    I think I might actually be in that very same period at the moment. Also, I dont care what people say, Sonic Youth is awesome.

  24. Sonic Youth is definitely awesome. i've been rocking out to their jam sessions way before hipster was even a word.


Crack it up...