
The Christmas Inverter

A couple of days before Christmas, my mom and I visited her neighbor, Mrs. Fields. In her living room I saw an inverted Christmas tree. I'm relatively open minded, but to be totally honest, the first time I saw it, it looked like something the Devil would put up. Was Mrs. Fields a priestess in some Satan worshiping cult? Only after a google search did I realize how common these inverted trees have become. Despite my shock, it's just a normal Christmas tree turned on it's head. It doesn't necessarily change the true meanings of Christmas, but maybe it's a sign of the times...
Christmas is about peace, loved ones, homemade cooking, good will towards others... but many of us have inverted it's meaning. Instead of being nice to each other, we just want 'presents'. We lick our greedy little fingers as the world turns upside down. Mrs. Fields isn't like that. She's a sweet old lady who always has cookies and kind words to share. She inverts the selfish wanting and makes her Christmas about something better: sharing.

Hope you beautiful people had a beautiful Christmas.


  1. Riotbreather06:47

    My christmas was amazing this year! I LOVE getting presents but you're right about it being more about family! Hope your christmas was great too! :o)

  2. thanks. wish next year's xmas is better.

  3. her cookies were pretty awesome, as well. probably made from little children.

  4. Angela Kam09:56

    I’ve been seeing these inverted trees more and more and twitches when I saw one hanging off the ceiling this year. I must say, I’m all for trying new things but I really hate these trees with a passion. I think you really nailed it with your drawing of how traditions are becoming distorted now a days; the symbolism off the tilted bible on the tree was a nice finishing touch. Girl Scout cookies…nom nom nom :)

  5. real satanists don´t invert the trees, they let them burn, harghhargh... ;o)

  6. Angela - thanks, i really don't care for these inverted trees either. things have changed quite a lot and most of it for the worst.

    Octapolis - hahaha probably.

  7. This is a very sweet post. Christmas should bring out the best in us. Hope you had a fabulous holiday.

  8. Christmas trees are 'pagan' in origin anyhow, why not invert it? I'm just glad the holidays are over with myself. I can't stand any holiday. I do have a thing for the solstices and the equinoxes though, they actually make sense from a cosmological viewpoint.

  9. If I wasn't so clumsy I'd love to have my fake tree upside down, saves on unfolding the branches :P

    I always liked the togetherness and homemade food more than the presents anyway, but I can't lie and say I never rattled the boxes to guess what was inside!

    Lovely piece, just my kind of tree :)

  10. I think I would've freaked out if I saw such a tree too. Nice post. Hope you had a Merry Christmas too.

  11. David - to be honest, i don't care much for baby jesus or the solstices/equinoxes, but i do enjoy the season as it reminds me of a happy childhood of warmth and love.

    Laury - i think they're mostly bought that way, but i guess someone adventurous could try and do it on their own :) i like presents too, even at this age. i just hate the wild consumerism associated with it.

    Jay - thanks. yeah, initially, it was kind of a shocker.

  12. The "Rumor-Mill" has kicked back into gear.... more outlandish than ever... "Demon-Possessed" Pumpkins for starters... and poked at me about my mental health issues... Now will again be a "Topic of Interest" in this miserable little town..
    "The Greatest Villain of Marshville", I thought that They had Dropped Me as a "Topic" their forum at "Topix"... this is BS...!!!
    I will carve my 4 remaining Pumpkins and display them in my picture window nightly ( out of "spite") for the good folk of this town to ride by and see the "Demon-Possessed" Pumpkins for themselves... "if they dare...!!" lol
    The bad part is ... a lot of these morons of this town will Actually Believe this BS...
    It's Great to be the "Town Boogeyman"...

  13. In my case, I've reached that stage in my life where I stopped receiving presents.

    I think I only got a shirt during christmas 2011 and this year I got FTL from a friend.

    that was it.

    Still, freaky christmas tree aside, it's nice to see that there are still people who focus on the sharing part

  14. Yeah the meaning of Christmas gets lost in all the stress getting presents for all the family and friends. The consumption is nervewracking. And children are so spoiled nowadays always wanting greater things every year.
    Both of my cousins (age 14 and 12) got LCD-FLatscreen TV´s for Christmas one year,but before they got ´em they were grumbling: " Oh my friend got an 100 cm TV, I know I´ll only get an 80cm !"
    OMG! At age 14 I only had a tube TV with a 30 cm monitor! And I survived !!!!!

    So you see this drives me crazy.

  15. Dr. Theda - what a bunch of idiots.
    "Those who feed on rumors are small, suspicious souls." ignore them, they aren't worth the headache.

    TRGB - same here, buddy. occasionally, i'll get some cash in a card. hehe

    Kat - that's so true. kids today are spoiled rotten with all that fancy tech crap.

  16. NEWS: Gorf-Video! ;o)
    yeah! great! awesome! ;o)

  17. Hail Satan! \m/
    Holidays suck anyway.

  18. That is what Christmas is about ( especially to children) The "spirit of giving"... not just gifts (material things )...
    but giving of yourself ... contact old friends... show those for whom you care ...that you think about them and do care about them..

  19. Octapolis - sounds and looks pretty awesome!

    Nietzsche - hehe. nah, dude, they can be awesome, too.

    Dr. Theda - true words, its a great time to say hello to old friends.

  20. It's nice to hear about people who actually value Christmas for something other than commercialism. Great post!

  21. After Much thinking....We have decided to check "Stacey" into the "Looney Bin" for a week before he gets Too Bad...

  22. Well that is surprisingly positive. Though I don't think I'll start doing this because it seems to much of a hassle. Then again, we don't even have the notorious tree in our house. We just have nice family dinner and a few presents for each other.

  23. Is a great illustration, congratulations. Kisses from Spain.

  24. We are going to work on some things to help improve our situation...
    If that fails... then we can see about a "leave of absence"

  25. TGE - thanks.

    Sikzak - a nice loving family dinner is all a man needs. we are lucky.

    Maria - thanks.

    Dr. Theda - i deeply wish you the best. may this new year bring you more happiness and peace, my friend. for me as well, if its not too much to ask. :)

  26. that a turd with a bow at the bottom?

  27. nah, its just a simple present. maybe a scarf or a urinary drainage bag.


Crack it up...