
The Demon Crusher

It doesn't matter how many times you go to church, we've all got a demon inside. And I don't mean the one who tells you to wear that tough looking leather jacket or the one who convinces you to put on those slutty high heel boots or even the one who suggests you go egg-bomb your neighbor's house; I'm talking about that hardcore motherfucker that'll make you act like a total asshole. 
Matt has a demon, too. His demon is anger. Any misinterpreted word or unintentional bump would be enough to make him go ballistic. People would get hurt. Ever since his mom died, Matt's changed. He's calmed himself down. Matt has crushed his inner demon and has had it trapped ever since. Matt told me that the thing about an inner demon is that you can't just wait for your mental walls to slowly do the job, you have to weaken the fucker's joints and crush it into a puddle of pulp. Quickly and ruthlessly.
Happy crushing!


  1. the picture rules! ;o)

  2. Nice one.
    I wish more people would crush their demons (although I almost feel sorry for the one in your picture :P )

  3. An "inner Demon" can be a Powerful motivating force ... Still fighting mine ( more than just one) for many years...
    Your friend seems to have "awefulized" a lot of things internally..."
    ( this is where how you perceive an event or the actions or words of another as being Much worse that they actually are.... Often the one who offended" them does not even realize that they have done so) Thus the "perceived wrong" is that much worse...

  4. Octapolis - many thanks.

    Laury - thanks. we can't feel sorry for them, that's how the get us ;) in this case, it's ok to be ruthless

    Dr. Theda - that's very true. keep them crushed :)
    that's an interesting term, but i don't think 'Matt' awefulized anything. he was violent and that's pretty awful.

  5. Have been unable to "crush" them ( and at least one or two are a part of "the voices"...
    So far still a much better person than "they" would have Stacey become...
    for the present...
    and Dr. Theda has the "final Say" in these matters...

  6. that's really great that you've managed to crush them, Stacey. i know it takes a strong will.
    despite these stories being mostly about people i've met, it does make me happy to know that others can identify with them.

  7. Killer image! I still have some demons to crush, but I know a lot of people whose demons are much worse than mine.

  8. thanks. that's true; and not everyone wants to crush their demon.

  9. I agree with your friend. An inner demon should be crushed quickly and ruthlessly. Delaying the problem or taking it slow is no way to deal with this.

  10. Yeah... destroy the devil is better than keeping it locked. If it becomes to mighty it will break out again, with brutal force. A good way is to live with it, I think! Not by getting furious on everyone but by opposing the evil in you with something good. Like good thoughts that help you silence the demon.

  11. Melissa - that's very true. speed can be a real helpful factor.

    Kat - you're right, some demons are probably too hard to kill, but if we can keep it down and subdued, we may live a good life.

  12. Anonymous00:59


  13. nasty is usually the price we pay to deal with the real hard issues.

  14. I agree with the importance of crushing some of our inner demons, but I also think that some of them make us what we are. Crushing them changes us and not always for the best.

  15. what do you mean? could you give an example?

  16. An uncle of mine used to have a drinking problem, but was always happy and fun to be with. He started to have health issues and he had to really fight hard to stop drinking. When he finally managed to quit, he was a shell of his former self. I know he needed to do it for his health, but he changed into a very sad and depressed man.

  17. it's true that we do change, that's the whole point.
    the thing is that an inner demon usually comes from inner guilt. drinking too much may be politically incorrect and unhealthy, but your uncle didn't see it as evil, so for him it was more a fight for health.
    anyway, that's what i think.

  18. haha! they need to be crushed, as well.

  19. Some of us still need our "inner Demons"... They often have some "interesting" ideas....

  20. I love that drawing, it's almost alive with gory movement when I look at it.

  21. Dr. Theda - i doubt those 'interesting' ideas are 'nice' ideas. ;)

    David - thanks, man. i wanted to make it really messing. demon crushing is messy work.


Crack it up...