
The Origami Travelers

That's what their sign said. Late last summer, I met these two guys who were hitchhiking across the country. Andy and Frank. Their plan was to see the most they could in a month's time, but spend the least amount of money possible. They had a small per diem for food and, of course, a little extra for beer. For the rest, they traded origami cranes.
Besides the ride, my roommates and I offered them a couch to sleep on. After a couple of weeks of sleeping in a tent, Andy and Frank looked at the couch like it was a king-sized bed at a 5-star hotel packed with a couple of sexy masseuses ready to make them happy. That day, we took them to see the city, swapped stories, had a mean steak dinner and hit the bars as hard as we could. The next morning, horribly hungover, we said our goodbyes to Andy and Frank. They left our little city to continue their adventure, trading more origamis with all those they met.
We shouldn't need much to be happy and when it comes to travelling and meeting new people, all we really need are a few origamis and an open spirit.


  1. lucky guys... the most famous punk band of german democratic republic was feeling b (later in parts known as rammstein, aaah!). they sold selfmade earrings to have a good time at the baltic sea in socialism. the story of andy and frank reminds me to this... great! ;o)

  2. i didn't know Rammstein started out that way. thanks for sharing some music history, my friend :)

  3. paul landers and flake lorenz played at feeling b with aljoscha rompe (died in 2000). they would make another record, but aljoscha had other plans. so they gathered some other musicians from east germany and started rammstein. all other is the history of rammstein.

    feeling b was such a great band!

    watch: and all other stuff at youtube. it´s worth it!

    ps: if you are interrested in this... write me a mail. if not, also good, haha!

    good night my friend! ;o)

  4. Anonymous19:27

    I wonder what became of them ...
    What you say shows that human needs are small, the consumer society is forcing us to have things we do not need. A sofa looks like a bed in a luxury hotel. I remember my trips with bread, milk, cheese, a sleeping bag and a modest tent. What else?
    The shirts, kms and miles, witty.
    goodbye friend

  5. A Great Weekend to you All... off to "hang out" at a fire with friends.... Later

  6. Octa - thanks, man. i sure will.

    White - the simple cheap things in life are usually the best. i don't know why people complicate so much. nice eye for the t-shirts. have a great weekend.

    Dr. Theda - you too, Doc. have fun!

  7. Man, I wouldn't mind going on a wild, totally-random road trip one day...especially if it was on the wings of an origami crane.

    Wait, what am I saying? That would be terrifying. I'll stick to the ground.

    But joking aside, thanks for this. As usual, you know JUST how to say the right words...and the visual aids help, too. Those are always a plus.

  8. I really like how you've drawn an origami crane to carry them.
    If only I could pull that off, I'd be out of here :P

  9. Voltech - it's really cool to hear that from a writer like yourself. thanks, man.

    Laury - actually, the origami crane they gave me was orange :)
    sometimes, things are easier then we think.

  10. I like simple perspective effect in these illustration and origami crane! Lucky guys :D

  11. This is such a sweet post. I love Origami! Great job!

  12. me too. thanks, Elizabeth

  13. I probably couldn't do this. There are too many nut-jobs out there, but I love your drawing and the story.

  14. that's true. fortunately, i'm young enough and still live in a place where i don't need to feel paranoid about meeting new people. thanks

  15. As long as there is money for beer, I wouldn't mind making a trip like this one! I like the idea of the flying origami.

  16. then you should totally embrace your adventurer spirit and just do it. of course, beer is of the essence ;)

  17. There's something really uplifting about this post. (No pun intended.) I might even feel inspired enough to go on a trip this weekend.

  18. uplifting is actually a very fitting word to describe that day and these travelers.


Crack it up...