
The Shooter

We drag a lot of bullshit with us. Arrogance, hypocrisy, self-pity... 
Sometimes, we don't even realize it. Most times, we let these feelings linger by making  excuses for them or by finding someone as miserable as us. Misery loves company, right? My friend Rita has no patience for any of it. She has a thing for dressing up and wearing masks, but she's as honest as they come. She's her own hardest internal critic and has the same attitude towards everyone else. Rita will be your best friend if you've got a genuine problem, but she'll shoot you down like a mutant dog if you annoy her with your bullshit drama. With sarcastic fire and a witty hammer of irony, Rita will mold your bullshit into bullets of clarity and shoot the ugly truth into your soul. No mercy.
Shooters like Rita might wound our feelings (ego), but they help us see the truth.


  1. We could All probably use some one lke her in our lives... Get over the petty "issues" of our lives and worry over what really does matter in our lives ... and someone who will honestly let us know when we are making a bit too much out of too "little"...And Someone "up-front" and Honest with us about things...

  2. Great image by the way....

  3. thanks, Doc. we waste so much time and energy with those petty issues, we could be using doing better things.

  4. nice picture. fire! ;o)

  5. Oooh, I like this one.
    People like this usually get criticized for being harsh but in truth they're your best friends.
    Sometimes it's hard to take but you're usually better off for it.

  6. Octa - hehehe!

    Laury - well phrased, that's very true.

  7. I love getting shot in the heart. It's the best way to learn. Amazing drawing!

  8. This is great! Bloody but not in a literal way. Love it:)

  9. I know some poeple like Rita and it's not a really good attitude...
    When you carry on you shit behind you, you just hope that nobody in the earth will know the same.
    And in the same time, you desperatly want to find somebody who will understands you.
    By the way, we all have to accept each other with our self shit.

    I feel a kind of pity for Rita, because it seems that she isn't be able to accept other's shit and dont really want to let her own shit goes away.

    That's pretty sad... :/

    And as usual, your draw is awesome! ;)

    Bye! ^^ (and once again: sorry for my poor english! :p )

  10. Melissa - indeed. even though it can be so painful :)

    Leni - cheers! glad you liked it.

    Keagan - i think i understand what you mean and you are right when it is serious 'self shit'. like i said on the text, Rita is very friendly if your problem is something real. however, we don't always have real problems or even real feelings. sometimes we are enfants terribles ;) we complain like big babies or are simply jealous of others. these are the bad things that she criticizes. thanks for your opinion.
    and your english is fine :)

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. Anonymous16:10

    As always, you teach an interesting point of view.

    "She's her own hardest internal critic and has the same attitude towards everyone else"


    Hugs my friend

    (the picture??...cojonuda again)

  13. Criticizing others can be an offshoot of ones need for acceptance as well. But most people that are critical of others think they are just being honest and caring, trying to help.

  14. Nietzsche - thanks dude!

    White - "cojunuda" i like that word. hugs man!

    David - that's definitely true in some situations. however, i think Rita is just tired of listening to things like someone complaining how difficult it is to choose between 2 sweaters while there are children starving. we create 1st world problems for ourselves and she hates that. she probably does think she is helping and in most situations, i tend to agree.

  15. I'm a big fan of Rita ;)

  16. I agree with the dear Lady ...
    When I was young ...I had an Aunt a Lot like this... I came to "respect" her words and "statements"...

  17. I know the feeling. I too have a friend that will instantly call out any bullshit that you do. I love that guy.

  18. I'm a really sensitive person so I can't really stand people who are too harsh with words, even if they are true. Maybe its sad ... but I got a friend like this, too. And she'd hurt me so bad with her words once that I can't see her as my best friend anymore. It killed something inside me. I'm convinced that people should choose their words wisely before they hurt a loved person.

  19. I'm a quiet, truthful person. If someone asks for my truthful opinion I will give it. Be careful what you ask for...

    1. indeed; the truth is not always a sweet pill to swallow, but i wouldn't have it any other way.


Crack it up...