
The Fire Dancer

Metaphysical quacks would have you believe that fire has divine cleansing properties. Bullshit! Fire turns stuff to ash. There’s nothing enlightening about it, you silly twat. Unless...
Katrine would sit next to me in class. She would draw faeries on the pages of my school books and whisper cosmic secrets into my ears. She painted, played guitar, got high, and even became a medical doctor. We kissed one afternoon. I loved this girl, but never really wanted to date her. In addition to her many amazing abilities, she would also play with fire. She practiced Fire Dancing, specifically long Fire Poi from the Maori culture. When she lit those wicks and got the chains twirling she wouldn't turn things into ash. Instead, she would breathe fiery life into everything and everyone she saw… She would even do the same to me. 


  1. I had a friend of mine who used to practice this. She would light up the hot summer nights. Nice one!

  2. Based on my own experiences with children's programming, I imagine that giving everything life/a face is either utterly horrific or the best thing ever. Maybe a mix of the two.

  3. I love this drawing! Newspaper and stop sign should be puking letters.

  4. Jay - its a pretty cool trade.

    Voltech - nothing too horrific, more like a fun roller-coaster ride.

    Jorg - cool idea. wish i'd thought of that.

  5. Nice one.
    I find it fascinating to watch those fireballs fly through the air and creating light circles as they go.

  6. I have not set myself on fire lately Last time it was just part of my hair ( More often it is my hand...oh well)
    Any way Fire is a "hungry" thing and it will consume anything within its reach... Treat it with respect...

  7. Laury - thanks. yeah, they're pretty spectacular.

    Dr. Theda - indeed, playing with fire is most dangerous, but humans can be all consuming, as well.

  8. Isn't dangerous to do fire dancing? If she can dance with fire then she is amazing :)

    Just dropping by... Very good illustration.


  9. She whispered cosmic secrets into your ear...
    Sigh... your post is written beautifully again. I love such art in words. Such delicate details and beauty in everything we do. The tender sound of a voice we can get entangled in... and something like this. XD Ah, I'm sure you know what I mean. :-P

  10. Jessica - thanks a lot. she really is amazing. sometimes, when we're on the dangerous edge, we can make the best in ourselves come out.

    Octapolis - thanks buddy.

    Kat - thanks so much. sure i know what you mean. i'm a big fan of the little things. they're usually the real 'big things'. she would also draw rings on my fingers. this really annoyed me :)

  11. Riotbreather07:37

    Amazing work. My favorite part isthe litter bin. She really must be a special girl ^.^

  12. Nice work man! Fire doesn't always burn.

  13. Riotbreather - thanks. actually haven't spoken to her in years, but i'm sure she still is.

    Nietzsche - thanks. it always burns, it just doesn't always turn stuff to ash.

  14. This is a lovely post and I love the drawing. We are very lucky when people like her touch our lives.

  15. thanks and lucky is right.

  16. That beautiful! But I will always preffer watter than fire... Also danerous!

  17. thanks. water is a beautiful element of life, as well. (future post maybe)

  18. I like how you made it like she was grounding out the negative charges like tree roots, and spraying positive arcs of electric blue fiery maelstrom.


Crack it up...