
The Resolution Breaker

We all make them, right? Monica does, and every year, she tells me that this is The Year. The year where everything changes. The year where she totally commits to her list and where her resolutions finally come true... They never do.
Besides the resolution making, Monica also gets drunk on every New Year's Eve. I mean totally fucking drunk. The kind of drunk that'll make you piss yourself because 'it seemed like the reasonable thing to do at the time' and that'll give you a two week hangover that makes you wish you were dead. Yeah, Monica loses her head. The willpower of a fresh start on the first of January drowns in a mix of cheese dip, jello shots, tequila, and champagne. The resolutions are lost. Sometimes, Monica manages to re-start some of them, but they quickly fade into failure. Whatever the reasons, we tend to break our resolutions...

Let this year be different. Let this year be The Year. 
Her year. Your year. My year.
Or not. No pressure.


  1. good to have some resolutions for a new year, but better to don´t tell them to other people! ;o)

  2. Haha, the resolutions fly out the window when the champagne is uncorked!
    I don't stick to anything, as long as I'm happy and healthy :)

  3. Octapolis - yeah, sometimes it's best to keep things to ourselves. other people's expectations of us can be a drag.

    Laury - indeed :) that's a much better attitude than wishful thinking.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. I'm too much of a slave to my impulses to ever set up resolutions.
    And normal champagne already does my head in, but a skull and bones brand? Killer! ;)

  6. i think being impulse freaks is in part what makes so many of us fail to keep our resolutions. part of being human.

  7. I usually make a couple of resolutions every year. Keeping them however is another story. Pretty nice image. I used to like champagne, now my stomach can't handle it.

  8. My resolution was to never celebrate new years or make any resolutions. I've kept the paradox about ten years now!

  9. Jay - keeping resolutions is certainly not easy. keeping a couple of bottles of champagne down isn't easy either.

    Mrs. Katie - most resolutions are routine based and routines are fucking boring. your brain is already a very interesting thing :)

    David - hahaha! next year i'm gonna debate that paradoxical resolution, but only after a few bottles of death champagne.

  10. "It is useless for the sheep to pass resolutions in favor of vegetarianism, while the wolf remains of a different opinion."
    My brain makes resolutions about eating healthier, but my body says EAT ALL THE JUNK YOU CAN!

  11. Thanks god for fast metabolism!

  12. ha! you're a lucky girl, then. no need to tame the wolf.

  13. Anonymous10:19

    This year will be THE YEAR
    Great personality
    I like your jobs
    Go on!!!

  14. thanks a lot, White. hope this will be the year for you too!


Crack it up...