
The Incubator

Over a decade ago:
Me - Have you told the father yet?
Eleanor - Yeah...
Me - Are you guys going to keep it?
Eleanor - I don't know. I'm scared. Kids can be evil little shits... And when they grow up, they can become viscous retched adults. Some mothers give birth to wonderful children. Others, are merely incubators for monsters...


  1. haha, this is great! a pro children campaign? ;o)

  2. Awesome :P
    After a recent trip to the zoo where the kids were running rampant this drawing certainly would apply...

  3. Don't know if I wanna have kids, too. I always have nightmares in which I'm pregnant with a belly like a big fat watermelon and I'm freaking out about this. On the other hand I have the right partner on my side now. We want to marry the next few years and as the time passes together with him my conviction starts to crumble...

  4. Octapolis - thanks. why not?... haha!

    Laury - thanks. kids can turn anywhere into hell.

    Kat - some say having kids is the most selfish thing ever because we are submitting our most beloved person to the suffering of life. others say its the greatest joy in the world. both make valid points. only individually can we say what is right for us. you feel you have the right partner, that's certainly something many girls don't have.

  5. nice to see you back, Nuki.

  6. I find this drawing extremely disturbing. Just thought you should know.

  7. Thats one ugly kid. Who's the father, Behemoth? ;) Killer job.

  8. Kids can be soooo evil. If I ever have kids, I will make sure the lady is not a psychopath, which may or may not help. you never know what you're gonna get with genetics. That's why I pray a lot.

  9. Riotbreather08:55

    This is so sick... and true. You never know if your child's going to grow up to be a criminal or a murderer or something even worse. :/

  10. Elizabeth - its a big question, some answers are naturally disturbing.

    Nietzsche - not as good looking. thanks.

    Jorg - the problem with psychotic ladies is they usually only reveal their true nature when its too late.

    Riotbreather - the name i chose for the girl is actually the name of Ted Bundy's mom.

  11. That is one reason that I never wanted Children...( I have helped with the raising of the kids of my friends and others....)
    and besides Children can be very cruel...I grew up to be the "Town Boogeyman"... so I guess that I turned out "alright"... or did we....

  12. cruel children must be a terrible load on the parents.

  13. Holy shit, this is pretty hardcore. I know it doesn't matter much, but I'm curious if she kept it?

  14. she actually had a miscarriage.

  15. Kids... not for me, thanks. Great disturbing image.

  16. I guess they are not born as monsters. They are trained to be so.Things grow out the way how parents and surroundings nourish them.

  17. yes, but its so hard to control those nourishing surroundings. sometimes with the best upbringing possible the kids still develop into messed up adults. other times, with horrible conditions, we see kids shine with potential and become amazing human beings.
    its hard to be a parent.


Crack it up...